I'm leaving for Africa in about 14 hours and I'm scared out of my mind.
No, I'm not scared that I'm going to get mugged, die in a plane crash, get eaten by a cannibalistic tribe, or die by some mysterious African wildlife, I'm not scared of that at all.
I'm scared I'm going to fall in love...again.
I'm scared I'm going to see the faces of African orphans, smell the overwhelming scent of B.O., see the poverty, the dirt roads, the herds of animals, and fall in love with Africa all over again. I'm scared i'm going to have intense conversations with people I will never see again. I'm scared of seeing people starving, with aids, and being abused, and never know how they are doing, and never see or hear from them again. I'm scared of falling in love with that little orphan with the hugest smile in the world, whose parents died from aids, but has more hope than a person could ever have. I'm scared of falling in love with the overworked child worker caring for children who are not her own, because hers have died, and watching her worship God with everything she has.
This is Viola, I met her in Uganda and I fell in love with her. She is a beautiful, amazing, loving young girl who I think about all the time. But I have no idea where she is now or how she is doing.
All these faces have stories. They all have lives. I'm scared of loving Africa. I really feel like Africa is my home. I know it is. So, having to leave it will be so hard. I remember after Uganda, I cried for months, because all I wanted to do was go home and check on my kids. I have to admit, I have fallen for this adorable children.
I know that I'm blessed to go to Africa again. I'm so excited and so ready and so scared. When I got back from Uganda here's some of my journal:
July 31st, 2010 (a day after I got back)
I want to go home. Busia, Uganda is my home. It's my place with my kids, It's my home. I miss mud huts and dirty roads, I miss children screaming and crying. I miss my team loving on me.
I miss belonging.
I miss Susan, Viola, Victor, Wilburforce, Rose, and so many other faces.
How can I cope in Americas comfortable society?
I miss being woken up at 5:30 in the morning...how will I sleep now?
I remember the longing for home, the unrest in not finding it here. But I know I have to get over this. The scared feeling of meeting people, loving and them, and going home wondering about them and wanting to be with them. God has given me a heart for Africa and I have to follow that even if I know it means emotional pain.

I'm scared of coming home and people giving me weird looks and saying "It was only a week" I'm scared of people not understanding my heart, love, pain, and longing for Africa.

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